This post is not for the easily nauseated 

I briefly spoke about performing DCs on clients in a previous post – otherwise known as “dick checks.” For my protection – I always thoroughly examined my customers under a bright light before I decided to party with them. After performing a number of dick checks – I have had quite a lot of potential customers who never wound up being customers, and nearly every time they didn’t pass the check – I would immediately show them door, and tell them it’s a no go.

The reason why I said “nearly every time,” is because a co-worker of mine had taught me “to never walk a dirty dick.” She explained to me if a client was dirty – to offer them a party where we would have no form of sexual contact so that I would still get their money, but not risk my health, and I realized that she was giving sound advice. From that point on – if a customer came into my room and was dirty – I would offer him: a massage, a masturbation show (where I would masturbate in front of him while he masturbated himself), etc. Most of the customers would decline, but some of them would accept one of those offers, and I still got paid while not putting my life in jeopardy.

Initially, I was scared to offer parties to dirty clients because I feared that if I was masturbating in front of them – that they might get really worked up, and want more, and try to force themselves on me, but thankfully, it was a fear that never became a reality.

I will admit though – there were some dirty dicks I saw that I wouldn’t offer any of those activities because it just would’ve been way too repulsive.

A Day in the Life of a Working Girl, and a bit of Working Girl 101

seeing through the eyes of a working girl

Lets talk Herpes

Herpes Meatitis


Herpes Lesion


Herpes Crusted Lesions


Herpes Buttock


Herpes 1 (Cold soars)


I have seen all of this. More times than I’d like to admit, and that is why it is important for working girl’s to always check their customers beforehand, and to always check their buttocks, and mouths (if you’re going to kiss, or let the customer perform cunnilingus).

And unfortunately, most working girls won’t take the time to check those areas, and will still partake in those types of activities.

And what’s even sadder – is I’ve seen working girl’s take clients that had herpes. How do I know this? Because I would offer clients parties with no sexual contact, they would decline, go speak to another girl, and sure enough – I would see them book the party, and all I could do was shake my head, and say to myself, “It’s their body, and their decision.”  On top of all of this, they would take the party for a low price, and don’t get me wrong – no price is worth your health – I have turned down four digit parties several times because a customer was dirty, but it’s even more sad when you see a girl risk catching a non curable disease for a measly amount of money.

Let’s talk cold soars

There are a lot of differing opinions on cold soars. Generally they say that Herpes 1 (cold soars) lives from the waist up, and Herpes 2 (Genital Herpes)  lives from the waist down. Many will say that Herpes 1 can’t be transmitted below the waist even if you went down on someone while you had a cold soar or visa versa, but I have read online that doctors have been seeing positive test results for Herpes 1 below the waist. I’m not sure if it is true though because most doctors I’ve spoken to say they haven’t heard or seen that. Bottom line: Most people will catch Herpes 1 in their lifetime, and many catch it in their childhood, and it’s totally normal, but I would refrain from oral sex until it’s completely gone just to be on the safe side.

Genital Warts



Gross, but at least it’s curable.




Disgusting as well, but also curable.




Eekk, what Al Capone died of, but also easily curable.



You can tell it’s gonorrhea from the yellow colored discharge coming out of the penis. This is why working girls always need to remember to check the drip coming from the penis.

Gonorrhea for the most part – has always been easily cured with antibiotics, but there are strains that have been emerging that are resistant to antibiotics, which is a huge health concern.


chlamydial_urethritis (1)


Chlamydia is a tough one, and the symptoms can be very similar to gonorrhea, but generally it is a clear discharge or is mucous like, but in the first photo – you can tell that the meatitis isn’t looking right, and the second photo you can tell by the discharge.

Streptococcal Balanitis Discharge

Streptococcal_balanitis_discharge (1)

Easily cured with antibiotics, but what a lot of people are unaware of is that you can contract strep sexually. Both men and women.



I never saw anyone with crabs while I was working, but just in case you were curious – this is what you should be looking for, and it is easily curable.



Is a tough one to see as well, but is associated with mild white or transparent discharge from the penis.



HIV is one of those STDs that there are usually no visible signs of. If there are – it can be in the form of a rash like above, and/or mouth soars (but they would be difficult to distinguish from other types of mouth soars). Luckily, condoms protect you 100% from HIV – so long as they don’t break, or slip.

I have basically seen it all when it comes to dirty dicks. You can say that after awhile I became a dick doctor without having to go to school for it. Haha. There are somethings I’ve seen that I can’t even find a photo for online – that I’ll never be able to erase from my memory. For example – I once was checking a potential client, and he had these huge red bumps all over his penis, and literally, all over, and it didn’t look like warts/herpes, but it was one of the most disgusting checks I ever had, and of course he told me, “It’s acne.” I told him it was a no go of course. Another time – a man had these huge lumps inside his balls. They were like huge cysts from the inside, and he told me it wasn’t contagious, and told me the name for it, and said he needed to have them drained by his doctor, and I believed him, but I still wasn’t going to go there, and told him it was a no go as well. It was really a horrific sight to see. Lastly, I had a client who looked like he had penile papules (normal, and not an STD), but instead of around the head, it was a huge circle in the middle of his penis, and they were extremely spiky, and large. I had never seen anything like it, and of course, I told him it was a no go.

You see a lot working in a brothel that most will never see in their lives, and it is definitely good that people will never have to see any of what I’ve seen.

On the bright side – I hope this has been informative, and I hope it teaches women who aren’t even working girls to perform checks on any new sexual partner beforehand, and look out for these symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. 

If there is one good thing I’ve been able to take away from my time spent in a brothel – it’s to teach others how to be safe, and definitely let it be known how important it is to take all precautions.